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  • OpenAI to Release Strawberry in 2 Weeks

OpenAI to Release Strawberry in 2 Weeks

PLUS: Llama 3.1 405B at 100+ tokens/sec, VS Code gets GitHub Copilot

Today’s top AI Highlights:

  1. VS Code supercharges your workflow with new GitHub Copilot features

  2. Build with the best opensource model Llama 3.1 405B at unmatched speed with SambaNova Cloud

  3. OpenAI is releasing its new model Strawberry in two weeks

  4. Anthropic's new Workspaces for more control over Claude deployments

  5. AI agents to understand your codebase and suggest changes

& so much more!

Read time: 3 mins

Latest Developments

The latest VS Code release brings powerful GitHub Copilot updates for enhancing developer workflows with AI assistance. This includes improvements to inline chat, test generation, and chat history. There's also a bunch of experimental features to check out, like starting debugging sessions directly from the chat and setting custom instructions for Copilot's code generation.

Key Highlights:

  1. Contextual Quick Chat - Attach files and symbols directly to your Copilot Quick Chat requests for more relevant and accurate responses.

  2. Enhanced Test Generation - Generate tests directly within existing test files or create new ones with the /tests slash command in inline chat or through code actions. Copilot intelligently identifies the right place to add the tests.

  3. Streamlined Inline Chat Trigger - Start inline chat directly from your code editor by typing – Copilot automatically detects when you're prompting instead of coding. Alternatively, use the command palette or configure a keybinding for a manual trigger.

  4. Customizable Code Generation Instructions - Define specific instructions (like coding style preferences or required libraries) in your settings or an external file that Copilot will apply to all code generation requests, ensuring consistent output.

SambaNova just launched SambaNova Cloud, an AI inference service built for speed and power. You can tap into the service through a readily available API and build with LLMs like Llama 3.1, including the massive 405B parameter version. What's the big deal? SambaNova Cloud is optimized to run these models incredibly fast, surpassing current benchmarks. Plus, it delivers full precision inference, no compromises on accuracy even with the largest models.

Key Highlights:

  1. Blazing Fast LLMs - Run Llama 3.1 70B at a blistering 461 tokens/second and even the 405B model at 132 tokens/second, significantly faster than Groq and other available options.

  2. No Accuracy Trade-offs - Get full 16-bit precision inference with Llama 3.1 405B. This means you can rely on the model's accuracy without sacrificing speed, a major advantage for building production-ready applications.

  3. Build Powerful Agentic Systems - The speed and low latency of the 70B model on SambaNova Cloud are perfect for creating and deploying sophisticated agentic AI workflows, which thrive on high throughput.

  4. Availability - You can access SambaNova Cloud today via a free API to run Llama 3.1 models, including the 405B model, without any waitlist. Additionally, you can integrate your fine-tuned Llama models or custom checkpoints into SambaNova Cloud and leverage its high-speed inference capabilities.

Quick Bites

OpenAI is set to release its new AI model “Strawberry” within the next two weeks, focusing on enhanced reasoning and independent internet research capabilities. Strawberry will be part of ChatGPT but is also expected to have standalone features.

  • Strawberry can “think” before responding, unlike previous models that answered immediately.

  • It will generate responses to queries and perform thorough internet research independently by planning and navigating, a capability not achieved by previous AI models.

  • The exact method of offering Strawberry, such as through a model selection menu, remains unclear.

Image Source

Anthropic has introduced Workspaces in the API console to create isolated environments, manage resources, and set custom limits for spending and usage rates. With Workspaces, developers can now manage development, staging, and production environments more efficiently. It is available now to all Anthropic API users via the console.

LangChain has introduced the LangChain Academy with their first course on LangGraph, their framework for building AI agents with more control and precision. Learn to create agents, use memory for smarter workflows, and build your own AI assistant through hands-on training. Enroll for free.

Tools of the Trade

  1. Fine: AI-powered dev environment that automates tasks like coding, testing, and debugging. It uses AI agents to understand your codebase, learn from your feedback, and generate code changes,

  2. Read their Lips: Use AI to lip read and identify inaudible speech from videos. Just upload any video and select the speaker's face to analyze what is being said even when microphones aren't present.

  3. Semantra: A command-line tool that lets you semantically search your local text and PDF files. It builds a searchable index of your documents and provides a web interface for querying them based on meaning.

  4. Awesome LLM Apps: Build awesome LLM apps using RAG to interact with data sources like GitHub, Gmail, PDFs, and YouTube videos through simple text. These apps will let you retrieve information, engage in chat, and extract insights directly from content on these platforms.

Hot Takes

  1. OpenAI delaying every product, all year. Ilya getting $1B in VC. OpenAI putting out feelers for $2000 subscriptions.
    Guys, the brain drain has killed OpenAI. They made the crucial mistake that all text companies do: underestimate the value of your top players.
    Ilya knew his value when he moved to remove Sam. He just underestimated Sam's political savvy.
    OpenAI can't crack the algorithm without Ilya. That's why they haven't shipped. That's why they're scaling up with methods that I guessed at 18 months ago. ~
    David Shapiro

  2. If anything now it should be obvious that a “system” (served behind an api) is > than a single model ~

  3. that apple event could have been an email ~
    Chris Frantz

Meme of the Day

That’s all for today! See you tomorrow with more such AI-filled content.

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