GPT Store is now Live 🔥

PLUS: AI Super Gadget, FireAttention to run LLMs faster, Tree-of-thoughts to experience superintelligence

Today’s top AI Highlights:

  1. OpenAI GPT Store: New feature for ChatGPT users, offering a diverse range of custom GPTs.

  2. Rabbit R1 Release: Innovative AI-powered gadget, enhancing app interactions with unique design.

  3. FireAttention by Fireworks AI: Boosts OSS model speed by 4x, maintaining high-quality outputs.

  4. Distilabel's AIF Framework: Builds datasets for LLMs, compatible with major AI libraries.

  5. Tree of Thoughts Algorithm: Advances model reasoning by 70%, compatible with existing models.

& so much more!

Read time: 3 mins

Latest Developments 🌍

OpenAI Unveils GPT Store

OpenAI's ChatGPT has taken another giant leap forward with the launch of the GPT Store. This exciting new feature is now available to ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise users, offering a world of custom-built GPTs.

Key Highlights:

  • Extensive Range of GPTs: The GPT Store showcases a diverse array of GPTs created by both partners and the community, spanning categories like DALL·E, writing, research, programming, education, and lifestyle.

  • Weekly Featured GPTs: To spotlight the most impactful GPTs, the store will highlight new and useful models weekly. Initial featured GPTs include trail recommendations from AllTrails, academic research with Consensus, coding tutorials from Khan Academy, and more.

  • Building and Sharing Made Easy: Users can now easily create and share their own GPTs in the store, with no coding skills required. Simply save your GPT for Everyone and verify your Builder Profile to get started.

  • Builders Can Earn: A new revenue program is set to launch in Q1, allowing US builders to earn based on user engagement with their GPTs.

Rabbit R1: The AI-Powered Super Gadget

The world of AI-powered devices has just welcomed a new member: the Rabbit R1. Introduced by Jesse Lyu, CEO of Rabbit, this $199 device isn't aiming to replace smartphones but might just revolutionize how we interact with our apps.

Key Highlights:

  • Innovative Design: The R1 sports a 2.88-inch touchscreen, a rotating camera, and a unique scroll wheel/button for navigation. It's powered by a 2.3GHz MediaTek processor, has 4GB of memory, and offers 128GB of storage.

  • Large Action Model (LAM) Technology: Unlike traditional large language models, the R1's LAM technology acts as a universal controller for apps. It has been trained to interact with popular apps like Spotify and Uber, learning their interfaces and functionalities.

  • User Training Mode: The R1 comes with a training mode where users can teach it specific tasks, such as photo editing in Photoshop. The device processes these instructions and learns to perform them autonomously.

FireAttention - OpenSource Models Run 4x Faster

The AI world is abuzz with Mixtral, the first open-source software (OSS) model trained on trillions of tokens, featuring 'mixture of experts' (MoE) for improved training and inference speeds. Fireworks AI recently developed FireAttention, a groundbreaking LLM serving stack, promising to reshape the landscape of AI model efficiency with minimal quality compromise.

Key Highlights

  • 4x Speed Increase: FireAttention, built on FP16 and FP8, delivers a quadruple speedup over other OSS alternatives, revolutionizing MoE model serving.

  • Innovative Approach: FireAttention leverages custom CUDA kernels and is optimized for new hardware like the H100, running close to hardware memory bandwidth limits.

  • Quality Preservation: Despite the common pitfalls of model quantization, Fireworks AI maintains high model quality, achieving impressive results on the MMLU metric.

Tools of the Trade ⚒️

  1. Distilabel: AI Feedback (AIF) framework for building datasets with and for LLMs. It works with the most popular libraries and APIs for LLMs like HuggingFace Transformers, OpenAI, vLLM, etc.

  1. Portkey's AI Gateway: It is the interface between your app and hosted LLMs. It streamlines API requests to OpenAI, Anthropic, Mistral, LLama2, Anyscale, Google Gemini and more with a unified API.

  2. Tree of Thoughts: A powerful and flexible algorithm that significantly advances model reasoning by up to 70%. This plug-and-play version allows you to connect your own models and experience superintelligence.

  3. Cognosys AI: Designed to streamline your workflows, Cognosys integrates seamlessly with your tool stack, transforming how you work and achieve your goals.

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Hot Takes 🔥

  1. As AI influencers explode will the age of human instagram celebrities and OnlyFans models come to an end? Does it make a big difference if it’s attractive person or an AI on the other side of the screen Over time, it won’t! ~ Bindu Reddy

  2. Honestly, at this point I feel we’d be much better off if all politicians were replaced with chatbots. ~ Bojan Tunguz

Meme of the Day 🤡

That’s all for today!

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