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  • ChatGPT for Enterprise is Here 🤖

ChatGPT for Enterprise is Here 🤖

PLUS: China's Flying Car, Google's New Vision Model Redefines Detection

Hey there 👋

OpenAI just dropped a bombshell with ChatGPT for Enterprise - imagine double the speed of GPT-4, unlimited access to a Code Interpreter, a security fortress, and more. Shifting our focus, Google’s latest creation is a significant and smart leap in computer vision; it can recognize even previously unseen objects in a context-aware manner.Speaking of leap, China’s EV maverick gets a green light for their flying car. Yep! And lastly, Yahoo (yes it’s alive) might be back in the game as it introduces some AI-powered features in email service. It’s all so exciting and we can’t wait to dive deeper!

This issue covers:

  • Latest Developments 🌍

  • Tools of the Trade ⚒️

  • Hot Takes 🔥

  • AI Meme of the Day 🤡

Read time: 3 mins

Latest Developments 🌍

ChatGPT for Enterprise ⚡️

OpenAI just launched ChatGPT for Enterprise, the next step in advanced conversational AI for businesses. This new offering comes equipped with enterprise-grade security via SOC 2 compliance, 32k token context window, twice the speed of GPT-4 with no usage cap, and an array of advanced features including unlimited access to a Code Interpreter for data analysis. Most notably, data ownership is retained solely by the user, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.


Seeing the Unseen in Object Detection 🧐

Meet RO-ViT, a game-changer in the world of computer vision presented at CVPR 2023 by Google AI. Traditional object detectors struggle with a limited vocabulary, trained on manually annotated data. RO-ViT uses vision transformers and a nifty trick called "cropped positional embeddings" to recognize a wide range of objects, even those it hasn't seen before. Plus, it's designed to understand objects in context, making it smarter at spotting items in real-world scenarios.

For the pre-training, we propose cropped positional embeddings (CPE), which randomly crops and resizes a region of positional embeddings instead of using the whole-image positional embedding (PE). In addition, we use focal loss instead of the common softmax cross entropy loss for contrastive learning.

The Flying Car 🚁💸

XPeng, China's electric vehicle innovator, just got the thumbs-up to literally lift off with its new flying car. The company's AeroHT division snagged a special flight permit for its X2 "flying car," a wheel-less, two-seater carbon-fiber quadcopter. Designed for quick city hops, the X2 can be manually or autonomously piloted.

Yahoo Shouts AI from the Graveyard 🪦

Yahoo is giving its dusty old email service a 21st-century makeover using Google Cloud. Plus, there's an improved search feature and a writing assistant that picks the best email tone for you. Once a big shot in the email game, Yahoo is clawing its way back with a promise to make your inbox smarter and your wallet happier.

Tools of the Trade ⚒️

  • Kombai: Generates high-quality UI code from design files, easily translates UI designs into functional components with logical div structures, and human-like class and component names.

  • Browse AI: Effortless web data extraction and monitoring without coding, along with scheduling extractions, accessing prebuilt robots, and more.

  • Auro: Record voice memos on-the-go, and retrieve them easily with AI-powered categorization, summarization, and highlights.

  • Ideator.dev: Convert your ideas into actionable blueprints for beginners, solo developers, and visionary entrepreneurs.

  • Spike Studio: Transform long videos (even 24-hours long!) into viral clips with automatic captioning and highlights and multilingual support.

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Hot Takes 🔥

  • Scrum is a cancer. I've been writing software for 25 years, and nothing renders a software team useless like Scrum does. ~ Santiago

  • A Google employee told me at an AI Hackathon that Google’s ability to build its own AI computers will be what keeps it relevant because it isn’t compute constrained like many others. ~Robert Scoble

Meme of the Day 🤡


That’s all for today!

See you tomorrow with more such AI-filled content. Don’t forget to subscribe and give your feedback below 👇

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