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  • Adobe brings Firefly to Video 🔮

Adobe brings Firefly to Video 🔮

PLUS: 'Google for Your Personal Stuff' by Dropbox, Attention Sinks for Uninterrupted Conversations

Today’s top AI Highlights:

  1. Adobe Releases 100+ AI Features at MAX Event

  2. Dropbox's New AI Features for File Management

  3. OpenAI Plans Major Updates for Developers

  4. Attention Sink for Memory Efficiency and Fluency in LMs

  5. GitHub Copilot got a Competitor

& so much more!

Read time: 3 mins

Latest Developments 🌍

The Future of Design is Here 🚀

At its annual MAX event, Adobe released over 100 AI-powered features. Here are our top picks:

  • New capabilities in Adobe Express include Generative Fill, Translate (in over 40 languages), Text to Template to generate editable design templates, the new Firefly generative AI model natively integrated, and some quick actions such as background removal and GIF conversion.

  • Adobe Lightroom Innovations include Lens Blur and mobile-optimized editing experiences, along with HDR Optimization, Point Color, and Content Credentials support.

  • Project Stardust brings object-aware editing to easily select, edit, and remove elements in images. Project See Through removes bothersome reflections in photos.

  • Project Fast Fill brings the power of Firefly generative AI to video, Project Dub Dub Dub automates the video dubbing process. Project Scene Change makes it easy to composite a subject and scene, from two separate videos into a scene with synchronized camera motion.

  • Three new generative AI models: Firefly Image 2 Model (offers significant improvements to creative control and image quality), Firefly Vector Model (world's first generative AI model for vector graphics), Firefly Design Model (instantly generates template designs with the Text to Template).

  • Experience Manager Sites for enterprises to easily create, optimize, and personalize web content according to brand for improved site performance.

The AI Way of Working 📦

Dropbox introduced several AI-powered features making it easier for users to manage their files, search for content, and collaborate on video projects.

Key Highlights:

  • The new web interface features an action bar for quick access to various functions, redesigned file previews for easier editing of images, videos, and PDFs, a streamlined left navigation bar.

  • Dash, Dropbox's AI-powered universal search feature, to find work across multiple apps and browser tabs, is now available in open beta.

  • Dropbox's AI capabilities, previously including summarizing and QA about certain content types, are now expanding to encompass all content within a user's account. Dropbox is also introducing Dropbox Studio, a collaboration tool for video creators with AI-powered editing tools.

Screenshot of Dropbox Dash.

OpenAI's Developer-Focused Strategy 📊

OpenAI reportedly plans to release major updates aimed at attracting developers and reducing costs for building software applications using its AI models. These updates include memory storage integration and vision capabilities, expanding OpenAI's reach beyond consumers to the developer market.

'Attention Sinks' for Uninterrupted Conversations 🔄

LLMs face challenges related to VRAM usage and loss of fluency when dealing with long inputs. VRAM constraints can hinder sequential prompting, and extended inputs may cause fluency issues. “Attention sinks is introduced as a solution to maintain fluency in pretrained chat-style LLMs.

Key Highlights:

  • Autoregressive LLMs tend to concentrate attention on the initial tokens, which they refer to as "attention sinks." When these initial tokens fall out of the window, fluency is compromised.

  • A modification of window attention, retaining the initial 4 tokens (attention sink tokens) in the window, enables LLMs like Llama, Mistral, MPT, Falcon, and Pythia to maintain fluency across many prompts with constant memory usage, compared to linear space complexity in traditional transformers.

  • LLMs using attention sinks maintain memory efficiency and stable perplexity for up to 4 million tokens, and ensure endless generation without loss of fluency.

Tools of the Trade ⚒️

  • Refact: Powerful AI coding assistant for code completion, refactoring, and code analysis along with an AI chat assistant for assistance directly in the IDE.

  • Mendable: All-in-one platform for building AI chat and data apps with enterprise features, with a range of components, AI chat search, and an insightful dashboard.

  • Trove: AI-powered conversational surveys to enhance engagement and insights. It also analyzes and summarizes, turning dialogues into intelligent insights.

  • Dify: An LLMOps platform that enables the seamless development and management of AI-native apps based on GPT-4, quick deployment, and visual composition and continuous improvement features.

  • Yatter: AI assistant for WhatsApp and Telegram, offering efficient communication, image text recognition, voice recognition, and personalized responses.

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Hot Takes 🔥

  • coding for money is evil ~ Kevin Naughton Jr.

  • 40% of the Internet is built with WordPress. The other 69% is built with Tailwind. ~ Jack Forge

Meme of the Day 🤡


That’s all for today!

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